- Japanese
- English
宮本 進
- 1974年東京綜合写真専門学校 卒業
- 1976年東京写真大学(現東京工芸大学) 卒業
料理写真スタジオ・トロアスタジオに入社 - 1982年トロアスタジオ退社
その後、パリにて”食に係わることの取材・研究(以後毎年パリを訪れる) - 1985年料理写真スタジオ、宮本進写真事務所を設立
タイに渡り、原住民であるカレン族を取材・撮影し以後数回現地取材する。 - 1995年1回目の写真展をミノルタフォトスペース大阪にて開催
- 1999年2回目の写真展をコンタックスフォトサロン京都にて開催
- 2003年3回目の写真展を大阪・梅田にて開催
- 2008年4回目の写真展を大阪・梅田にて開催
- 2012年5回目の写真展を兵庫県立美術館にて開催
- 2018年6回目の写真展を横浜市民ギャラリーにて開催
- 2024年7回目の写真展を東京新宿ギャラリー蒼穹舎にて開催
- 料理の撮影及びスタジオ撮影
- 食品企業の広告写真撮影
- 食品全般の撮影(パッケージ等・カタログ雑誌・料理本)
Susumu Miyamoto
Located in Tokyo and Osaka . I aim for the perfect photo where
the food at once appeals to the eyes and taste of the viewer.
I achieve this by perfect timing and capturing the special features
of the food with love.
- 1974Graduated from Tokyo General Potography College
- 1976Graduated from Tokyo Photographic University
(now Tokyo Polytechnic University).
Majored in Cuisine Photography Joined Trois Studio as Assistant Photographer - 1982Left Trois Studio to travel to Paris for experience of overseas cuisine
(still continuing to visit Paris for this annually) - 1985Established Kitchen Studio as an independent photographer Visited Thailand
to photograph the indigenous Karen people.
Received media coverage and interviews on this - 1995Held the First Photography Exhibition : Minolta Photo Space, Osaka
- 1999Held the Second Photography Exhibition : Contax Photo Salon, Kyoto
- 2003Held the Third Photography Exhibition : Osaka
- 2008Held the Fourth Photography : Osaka
- 2012Held the Fifth Photography Exhibition : Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art
- 2018Held the Sixth Photography Exhibition : Yokohama Civic Art Gallery
- 2024Held the seven photography Exhibion : Tokyo Shinjuku Gallery Sokyusha
Annually travel abroad to other Asian countries and to Europe and the USA to keep in touch with photographic and cuisine culture outside of Japan.
I specialize in food photography for advertisements, packages, restaurants, magazine articles and recipe and food related books. My clients are large food producing companies and packaging companies, caterers, writers and advertising agencies. I look forward to receiving your inquiries. My contact information is included on this website.